Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Promotional images

5 of a Kind on the go

We're off and running.
A full cast has been selected and we are in all 3 Fringe festivals: Winnipeg, Saskatoon, and Edmonton.

We're even on the verge of launching a more official website (through ).

But until then, this blog will be home to information.

Tag Line:
An adventure of friendship, love, deception, betrayal, and self discovery.

Program Description:
As Canadian backpacker Evan passes through Birmingham his life is turned upside down by Brit boys Sean, Roger, David, and Mike; in this adventure of friendship, love, deception, betrayal, and self discovery.

The Cast and Crew:
Author: Hugh Kemeny
Director & Co-Producer: Adrian Tanasichuk
Co-Producer: Eric Matheson-Jones

Evan: Sam LaCroix
Sean: Kevin Ouellet
Roger: Alex D. Mackie
David: Sean McQuillan
Mike: Sammy McKay
Naked/Pride Guy: Eric Matheson-Jones

Running Time: 75 Minutes

Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival: 18-29 July 2007

Venue 6: MTC Warehouse, 140 Rupert Ave

Wednesday 18 July @ 1900 (7 pm)
Friday 20 July @ 2330 (11:30 pm)
Saturday 21 July @ 2145 (9:45 pm)
Monday 23 July @ 1930 (7:30 pm)
Tuesday 24 July @ Midnight
Wednesday 25 July @ 1400 (2 pm)
Friday 27 July @ 1730 (5:30 pm)
Saturday 28 July @ 1330 (1:30 pm)

Saskatoon Fringe Theatre Festival: 2-11 August 2007

Victoria School Gym, 639 Broadway Ave.

Thursday 2 August @ 2215 (10:15 pm)
Saturday 4 August @ 1915 (7:15 pm)
Sunday 5 August @ 1600 (4 pm)
Tuesday 7 August @ 1600 (4 pm)
Friday 10 August @ 1745 (5:45 pm)
Saturday 11 August @ 1300 (1 pm)

Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival: 16-26 August 2007

Venue 9: Sutton Stage (Walterdale Playhouse), 10322 - 83 Ave.

Friday 17 August @ 1430 (2:30 pm)
Saturday 18 August @ 2315 (11:15 pm)
Tuesday 21 August @ 2030 (8:30 pm)
Wednesday 22 August @ 1615 (4:15 pm)
Saturday 25 August @ 1900 (7 pm)
Sunday 26 August @ 1200-noon


5 of a Kind is an adventure of friendship, love, deception, betrayal, and self discovery.

As Canadian backpacker Evan passes through Birmingham his life is turned upside down by Brit boys Sean, Roger, David, and Mike.

Evan's friendship with Sean deepens and strains as he helps Sean with both school work and Sean's acceptance of his sexuality, alongside guidance from Roger.

Roger not only assists Sean in understanding himself, but, through Evan learns the truth about his ex, David.

David must endeavour to keep his secrets from Roger and especially Evan, as his relationship with Evan develops. This gets more complicated with the sudden appearance of his mate Mike.

Mike's appearance, along with his homophobic attitude, forces Evan to choose between his love for David and his friendship with Sean.

Meanwhile, Sean himself must deal with the fallout of being outed back in his home town, which includes accepting both sides of his bisexuality

In this story based on real life events from May 2005.